



序号 论文 期刊 CiteScore Impact Factor
1 An overview of encryption algorithms in color images Signal Processing 8.8 4.384
2 Color image DNA encryption using NCA map-based CML and one-time keys Signal Processing 8.8 4.384
3 Color image encryption by using the rotation of color vector in Hartley transform domains Optics and Lasers in Engineering 8.2 4.273
4 A novel hybrid color image encryption algorithm using two complex chaotic systems Optics and Lasers in Engineering 8.2 4.273
5 A novel image encryption algorithm using chaos and reversible cellular automata Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 7.3 4.115
6 An image encryption algorithm based on the memristive hyperchaotic system, cellular automata and DNA sequence operations Signal Processing: Image Communication 5.6 2.779
7 A color image encryption technique using exclusive-OR with DNA complementary rules based on chaos theory and SHA-2 Optik 3.7 2.187
8 Color image encryption by using Arnold transform and color-blend operation in discrete cosine transform domains Optics Communications 4.1 2.125
9 A novel color image encryption algorithm based on genetic recombination and the four-dimensional memristive hyperchaotic system Chinese Physics B 0.8 1.162
序号 论文 期刊 CiteScore Impact Factor
1 Image encryption using q-deformed logistic map Information Sciences 11.3 5.910
2 Chaotic image encryption algorithm based on hybrid multi-objective particle swarm optimization and DNA sequence Optics and Lasers in Engineering 8.2 4.273
3 A chaotic image encryption algorithm based on random dynamic mixing Optics & Laser Technology 5.3 3.233
4 Color image encryption via H´ enon-zigzag map and chaotic restricted Boltzmann machine over Blockchain Optics & Laser Technology 5.3 3.233
5 Robust multiple color images encryption using discrete Fourier transforms and chaotic map Signal Processing: Image Communication 5.6 2.779
6 An image encryption scheme based on double chaotic cyclic shift and Josephus problem Journal of Information Security and Applications 4.1 2.327
7 A color image encryption scheme reducing the correlations between R, G, B components Optik 3.7 2.187
8 An image encryption approach on the basis of a time delay chaotic system Optik 3.7 2.187
9 Optical color image encryption without information disclosure using phase-truncated Fresnel transform and a random amplitude mask Optics Communications 4.1 2.125
序号 论文 期刊 CiteScore Impact Factor
1 A chaos-based symmetric image encryption scheme using a bit-level permutation Information Sciences 11.3 5.910
2 Image encryption based on three-dimensional bit matrix permutation Signal Processing 8.8 4.384
3 A color image cryptosystem based on dynamic DNA encryption and chaos Signal Processing 8.8 4.384
4 An image encryption scheme using self-adaptive selective permutation and inter-intra-block feedback diffusion Signal Processing 8.8 4.384
5 A symmetric color image encryption algorithm using the intrinsic features of bit distributions Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 7.3 4.115
6 An image encryption scheme using reverse 2-dimensional chaotic map and dependent diffusion Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 7.3 4.115
7 Color image encryption based on paired interpermuting planes Optics Communications 4.1 2.125
8 An image encryption scheme using lightweight bit-level confusion and cascade cross circular diffusion Optics Communications 4.1 2.125
9 An Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Random Hamiltonian Path
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